Wednesday 16 January 2013

Where the fairy left his hat.

I love alliums for all the different stages they go through, particularly fun for us with little children in the family is the whimsy they show when they burst into flower.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Beautiful Butterfly Bush Buddleia or flowering this week in my garden

In the heat of high Summer just a few things are not only bold enough to withstand the blast of these days but seem to revel in the heat; Buddleia, Oriental lilies, Shasta Daisy and the Agapanthus are blooming like showgirls on a day out in Vegas!

One of the important records I shall make in the garden this year is to have something beautiful and useful (to paraphrase William Morris) in the garden every week/month of the year and the most important of these is to have something thing for the bees, dragonflies, butterflies and ladybirds. The great thing about this is that almost all of these “useful” plants have wonderful scent for me too! Buddleia likes well-drained soil –even if it’s rocky dry and wretched and thrives in sunny spots. I recommend deadheading which will result in more flushes of flowers and the plants can get scrappy and leggy so a good hard prune back 60cm (one-two ft) or so from the base in late autumn. This is also when I strike cuttings and as I have very sandy soil where these are planted I simply prune and select some good sized cuttings about the size of my little finger and pop them in the ground – by next summer they should be leafy and even flowering.

Monday 7 January 2013

ArtLife in the Garden - pebble mosaic

Many of you will have seen Maggy Howarth's work as they often feature in magazines and Chelsea or Hampton Court flower show. I find something magical about the tones and intricacy of the work that by placing pebbles and stones you can create images with such movement and clarity to them. Oh for one in my garden! 

I have a step at the bottom of a stairway leading to the back of the garden that has lost its stone top so I shall try to make a small mosaic on that - commonly called lintel mosaics as they are so small and used to define an entryway. I shall be using Maggy's book for that - highly recommended.
I wonder how long it will take me!  All images from Maggy's web site - pop over and have a dream.

Friday 4 January 2013

More snow in Summer - Literal and figurative!

Well almost! After some baking hot days last week we have been plunged into a very winter like chill, not soon enough to save the last of the peony flowers though as they are well shrivelled up now as well as some other bloomers. I hope the rain is good for the fruit trees as the apples are coming along-I shall post a fruit update later this week. It seems like only yesterday they were baby blossoms!  

Rosa Silver Ghost -planted last year has been lovely. Very nice form and has lasted well in the heat and the rain, which is very nice as many white flowers have been spoilt by these conditions and who can blame them!


Philadelphus Belle Etoile one of my all time favourite plants.

Darling Rosa Edna Walling - I do think she would have been very pleased with this rose, such sweet nature and a wild rambling way.

Rosa Wedding Day in a pot near the Secret Garden. Ammmmazing!

Thursday 3 January 2013

The ping pong rose or January Bouquet

 A mix of pink roses saved from the rain. A new rose for me which has done so well and I think goes so well with the other (perhaps more frowsy) blooms is sweet Rosa Pomponella is a Floribunda (cluster flowered) rose with small dark pink flowers in an almost pingpong ball size and shape. It has a neat dark green habit and at the moment is covered in bunches of blooms.


Tuesday 1 January 2013

Baby you’re a firework! Agapanthus zing in the New Year.

It’s funny how something that is before you all the time is ubiquitous, but recently I have taken a second look at all the seemingly mundane.

I think this has come about because the last month has been taken more slowly as we are on holidays and in my plant world I have been reading lots of northern hemisphere magazines and find it very amusing how we here think agapanthus are weeds and municipal planting (of course they are in some parts) but then things that are beloved but much more common in Europe like primroses and snowdrops are grown in swathes in English magazines that we can only dream of, let alone the wonderful array of varieties that are developed annually in the EU (they take forever to dribble down to us!).  

So here it is – my New Years resolution! To take a second look… get in a bit closer and enjoy each moment. Look afresh at the possibilities.