Tuesday 1 January 2013

Baby you’re a firework! Agapanthus zing in the New Year.

It’s funny how something that is before you all the time is ubiquitous, but recently I have taken a second look at all the seemingly mundane.

I think this has come about because the last month has been taken more slowly as we are on holidays and in my plant world I have been reading lots of northern hemisphere magazines and find it very amusing how we here think agapanthus are weeds and municipal planting (of course they are in some parts) but then things that are beloved but much more common in Europe like primroses and snowdrops are grown in swathes in English magazines that we can only dream of, let alone the wonderful array of varieties that are developed annually in the EU (they take forever to dribble down to us!).  

So here it is – my New Years resolution! To take a second look… get in a bit closer and enjoy each moment. Look afresh at the possibilities.

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Please remember to be kind, it's a nicer way to live and grow in the garden.